
SEU(U)CH NUCH Westridge Quantum Of Solace
Hips: A
Eyes: clear
PRA-prcd: not tested yet
FN: Hereditary free
AON: Hereditary free
Owner: Marthe Bleka , Norway
Meriter: Svensk och Norsk Utställningschampion
Phoenix is the boy that I just couldn´t resist , and couldn´t keep at home since it was already filled up with males! It finally was the best solution
to let him go to Norway to Marthe Bleka who already has one male from me -
Frodo - Ch Westridge Magic Celebration where he has the best of lifes.

Phoenix - 8,5 weeks

Phoenix - 12 weeks

Phoenix - 8,5 months

Phoenix - 1 year




Phoenix 15 months